[0.] Configuración inicial

Para replicar las secciones de esta clase, primero debe descargar el siguiente proyecto de R y abrir el archivo clase-06.Rproj.

0.0 Instalar/llamar las librerías de la clase

## Instalar/llamar las librerías de la clase
       caret, # CARET: Classification and Regression Training
       elasticnet) # Elastic Net

0.1 fijar semilla


0.2 leer datos

db <- import("output/data_regresiones.rds") %>% na.omit() %>% select(-id) %>% clean_names()

0.3 prepare db

### tibble to matrix
df <- model.matrix(~.+ I(surface_total^2) + I(dist_cbd^2) -1 -price , db) %>% as_tibble() %>% clean_names()

df <- scale(x = df) %>% as_tibble() 

df$price <- db$price/1000000 %>% unlist()

### partir la muestra
sample_test <- sample(x = nrow(df) , size = nrow(df)*.3)

test <- df[sample_test,]

train <- df[-sample_test,]

[1.] Linear Regression

## Linear Regression
lm_model <- lm(price~.,data = train)

## results
## Call:
## lm(formula = price ~ ., data = train)
## Residuals:
##    Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
## -53054   -263    -73    111  59404 
## Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)
##                                Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)                     834.735      5.570 149.856  < 2e-16 ***
## rooms                            24.870      5.485   4.534 5.80e-06 ***
## bathrooms                       413.460      6.281  65.828  < 2e-16 ***
## surface_total                  1018.031     17.205  59.169  < 2e-16 ***
## property_type_apartamento       -40.223    203.683  -0.197  0.84345    
## property_type_casa             -103.099    184.031  -0.560  0.57533    
## property_type_deposito          -49.716     27.819  -1.787  0.07392 .  
## property_type_finca             -24.407     10.769  -2.266  0.02343 *  
## property_type_local_comercial    78.329     40.783   1.921  0.05478 .  
## property_type_lote               75.053     19.066   3.936 8.28e-05 ***
## property_type_oficina            70.257     58.948   1.192  0.23333    
## property_type_otro               29.382    124.291   0.236  0.81312    
## property_type_parqueadero       -21.764     15.097  -1.442  0.14941    
## property_type_ph                     NA         NA      NA       NA    
## dist_cbd                         61.458     23.783   2.584  0.00977 ** 
## dist_cole                       -74.507      5.846 -12.745  < 2e-16 ***
## dist_park                         9.638      6.320   1.525  0.12724    
## luces_2019                    -1884.318   1823.068  -1.034  0.30133    
## luces_2021                     1577.859   1540.067   1.025  0.30559    
## cambio_activ                   -446.308    434.588  -1.027  0.30444    
## i_surface_total_2               289.952     65.188   4.448 8.69e-06 ***
## i_dist_cbd_2                   -172.005     24.886  -6.912 4.85e-12 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 1172 on 44334 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.4019, Adjusted R-squared:  0.4016 
## F-statistic:  1489 on 20 and 44334 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
## Call:
## lm(formula = price ~ ., data = train)
## Coefficients:
##                   (Intercept)                          rooms  
##                       834.735                         24.870  
##                     bathrooms                  surface_total  
##                       413.460                       1018.031  
##     property_type_apartamento             property_type_casa  
##                       -40.223                       -103.099  
##        property_type_deposito            property_type_finca  
##                       -49.716                        -24.407  
## property_type_local_comercial             property_type_lote  
##                        78.329                         75.053  
##         property_type_oficina             property_type_otro  
##                        70.257                         29.382  
##     property_type_parqueadero               property_type_ph  
##                       -21.764                             NA  
##                      dist_cbd                      dist_cole  
##                        61.458                        -74.507  
##                     dist_park                     luces_2019  
##                         9.638                      -1884.318  
##                    luces_2021                   cambio_activ  
##                      1577.859                       -446.308  
##             i_surface_total_2                   i_dist_cbd_2  
##                       289.952                       -172.005
## predictions
test$price_lm <- predict(lm_model , newdata=test)
## Warning in predict.lm(lm_model, newdata = test): prediction from a rank-
## deficient fit may be misleading

[2.] K-fold validation

## Problema: Overfit 
# + Regresion: L(Y_observado,Y_predicho) = (Y_observado - Y_predicho)^2
# + Modelos muy complejos tienden a predecir bien dentro de la muestra y mal fuera de ella
# + R2 no funciona: mide predicción dentro de la muestra, no decreciente en complejidad

## Posible solución: K-fold validation

## Algoritmo de K-fold validation
# + Partir el conjunto de datos en K partes
# + Ajustar el modelo dejando particiones afuera
# + Computar el error de predicción para los datos de test (datos no usados en la estimación)
# + Repetir para k=1,...K

## Observaciones de K-fold validation
# + El modelo se estima 1 sola vez con las N observaciones, pero se estima RMSE para cada particion
# + Cada observación es usada como entrenamiento K-1 vez y como test 1 vez
# + Qué pasa si K=1? (Modelo econometria)
# + Qué pasa si K=N? (Leave One-Out Croos Validation)

## Cómo elegir el K?
# + K -> 0: Máximiza datos para estimar (más presición) pero es sensible a valores particulares.
# + K -> N: Máximiza datos para evaluar pero el modelo es estimado con menor presición.

## estimacion
cv_5 <- train(price~.,
              data = train,
              trControl = trainControl(method = "cv", number = 5), 
              method = "lm")
## Warning in predict.lm(modelFit, newdata): prediction from a rank-deficient fit
## may be misleading

## Warning in predict.lm(modelFit, newdata): prediction from a rank-deficient fit
## may be misleading

## Warning in predict.lm(modelFit, newdata): prediction from a rank-deficient fit
## may be misleading

## Warning in predict.lm(modelFit, newdata): prediction from a rank-deficient fit
## may be misleading

## Warning in predict.lm(modelFit, newdata): prediction from a rank-deficient fit
## may be misleading
## results
## Linear Regression 
## 44355 samples
##    21 predictor
## No pre-processing
## Resampling: Cross-Validated (5 fold) 
## Summary of sample sizes: 35486, 35483, 35484, 35483, 35484 
## Resampling results:
##   RMSE      Rsquared   MAE     
##   1184.137  0.4056361  396.8995
## Tuning parameter 'intercept' was held constant at a value of TRUE
## Call:
## lm(formula = .outcome ~ ., data = dat)
## Residuals:
##    Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
## -53054   -263    -73    111  59404 
## Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)
##                                Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)                     834.735      5.570 149.856  < 2e-16 ***
## rooms                            24.870      5.485   4.534 5.80e-06 ***
## bathrooms                       413.460      6.281  65.828  < 2e-16 ***
## surface_total                  1018.031     17.205  59.169  < 2e-16 ***
## property_type_apartamento       -40.223    203.683  -0.197  0.84345    
## property_type_casa             -103.099    184.031  -0.560  0.57533    
## property_type_deposito          -49.716     27.819  -1.787  0.07392 .  
## property_type_finca             -24.407     10.769  -2.266  0.02343 *  
## property_type_local_comercial    78.329     40.783   1.921  0.05478 .  
## property_type_lote               75.053     19.066   3.936 8.28e-05 ***
## property_type_oficina            70.257     58.948   1.192  0.23333    
## property_type_otro               29.382    124.291   0.236  0.81312    
## property_type_parqueadero       -21.764     15.097  -1.442  0.14941    
## property_type_ph                     NA         NA      NA       NA    
## dist_cbd                         61.458     23.783   2.584  0.00977 ** 
## dist_cole                       -74.507      5.846 -12.745  < 2e-16 ***
## dist_park                         9.638      6.320   1.525  0.12724    
## luces_2019                    -1884.318   1823.068  -1.034  0.30133    
## luces_2021                     1577.859   1540.067   1.025  0.30559    
## cambio_activ                   -446.308    434.588  -1.027  0.30444    
## i_surface_total_2               289.952     65.188   4.448 8.69e-06 ***
## i_dist_cbd_2                   -172.005     24.886  -6.912 4.85e-12 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 1172 on 44334 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.4019, Adjusted R-squared:  0.4016 
## F-statistic:  1489 on 20 and 44334 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
## k-folds
## [1] 44355
## [1] 8871
## [1] 35484
## predictions
test$price_cv5 <- predict(cv_5 , newdata=test)
## Warning in predict.lm(modelFit, newdata): prediction from a rank-deficient fit
## may be misleading

[2.] LASSO

## predictores
x <- train %>% select(-price) %>% as.matrix()
y <- train$price

## estimations
lasso <- glmnet(x=x , y=y , alpha=1) ## (alpha = 1 para lasso)

dim(coef(lasso)) ## Número de variables y modelos
## [1] 22 67
## plot model
plot(x=lasso, xvar="lambda" , label=TRUE)

### **2.1 Coeficientes y lambdas**

## coeficientes
coef_lasso <- coef(lasso)

## coeficientes modelo 15
##                   (Intercept)                         rooms 
##                      833.1283                        0.0000 
##                     bathrooms                 surface_total 
##                      206.5318                      828.0427 
##     property_type_apartamento            property_type_casa 
##                        0.0000                        0.0000 
##        property_type_deposito           property_type_finca 
##                        0.0000                        0.0000 
## property_type_local_comercial            property_type_lote 
##                        0.0000                        0.0000 
##         property_type_oficina            property_type_otro 
##                        0.0000                        0.0000 
##     property_type_parqueadero              property_type_ph 
##                        0.0000                        0.0000 
##                      dist_cbd                     dist_cole 
##                        0.0000                        0.0000 
##                     dist_park                    luces_2019 
##                        0.0000                        0.0000 
##                    luces_2021                  cambio_activ 
##                        0.0000                        0.0000 
##             i_surface_total_2                  i_dist_cbd_2 
##                        0.0000                        0.0000
## lambdas
lambdas <- lasso$lambda

##  [1] 842.886967 768.007212 699.779568 637.613080 580.969291 529.357581
##  [7] 482.330912 439.481963 400.439597 364.865647 332.451988 302.917870
## [13] 276.007481 251.487737 229.146260 208.789538 190.241251 173.340742
## [19] 157.941628 143.910529 131.125915 119.477050 108.863038  99.191946
## [25]  90.380007  82.350896  75.035069  68.369161  62.295433  56.761278
## [31]  51.718763  47.124210  42.937825  39.123347  35.647737  32.480890
## [37]  29.595378  26.966206  24.570602  22.387818  20.398946  18.586760
## [43]  16.935563  15.431054  14.060202  12.811132  11.673027  10.636027
## [49]   9.691152   8.830217   8.045765   7.331001   6.679735   6.086326
## [55]   5.545633   5.052975   4.604082   4.195068   3.822390   3.482819
## [61]   3.173415   2.891498   2.634625   2.400572   2.187312   1.992997
## [67]   1.815945
## [1] 229.1463
## Para saber el lambda modelo N
plot(x = lasso , xvar = "lambda" , label = TRUE)

abline(v=log(lambdas[15]), col="blue",lwd= 4,lty =3)

### **2.2 Predicciones**

## predicciones
test_matrix <- test %>% select(colnames(x)) %>% as.matrix()

test$price_lasso = predict(object=lasso , s=lasso$lambda[15] , newx=test_matrix)

test$price_lasso %>% head()
##             s1
## [1,]  431.5073
## [2,] 1002.3586
## [3,]  435.8589
## [4,]  591.3300
## [5,]  404.3099
## [6,]  965.3702
## Mejor lambda con validación cruzada 
lasso_cv <- cv.glmnet(x = x , y = y , alpha=1 , nfolds = 10)


min_lambda = lasso_cv$lambda.min

## [1] 4.131888
## hacer predicción con mejor lambda
##                   (Intercept)                         rooms 
##                    834.137474                      0.000000 
##                     bathrooms                 surface_total 
##                    346.385016                   1020.857724 
##     property_type_apartamento            property_type_casa 
##                      0.000000                    -16.699912 
##        property_type_deposito           property_type_finca 
##                      0.000000                      0.000000 
## property_type_local_comercial            property_type_lote 
##                     27.143348                     27.018594 
##         property_type_oficina            property_type_otro 
##                     22.718075                      1.602731 
##     property_type_parqueadero              property_type_ph 
##                      0.000000                      0.000000 
##                      dist_cbd                     dist_cole 
##                      0.000000                    -33.097949 
##                     dist_park                    luces_2019 
##                      0.000000                      0.000000 
##                    luces_2021                  cambio_activ 
##                      0.000000                      0.000000 
##             i_surface_total_2                  i_dist_cbd_2 
##                      0.000000                    -68.070520
test$price_lasso_cv = predict(object=lasso , s=min_lambda , newx=test_matrix)

test$price_lasso_cv %>% head()
##             s1
## [1,]  238.0806
## [2,] 1105.4547
## [3,]  293.6746
## [4,]  448.3066
## [5,]  294.8577
## [6,] 1094.6151
### **2.2 Tunnear el modelo**

lasso <- glmnet(x=x , y=y , alpha=1) ## (alpha = 1 para lasso)